Call (810) 659-6114
Pet Rest Gardens is dedicated to excellence and takes pride in consoling families through every aspect of the loss of their beloved companions. A pet loss is an event that most pet owners are ill prepared for. Although a pet’s life span is far shorter than ours, we simply do no expect to ever be without them.

What is Pre-Planning?
Pre- planning reduces the stress of having to make difficult decisions at a very emotional time. Although it is natural to want to delay the inevitable, pre- planning will allow you to feel a sense of security when your companion has taken a turn for the worse. During that period there are many crucial decisions that need to be made amongst family members, your veterinarian and contradicting work schedule. Pre- planning is a way of having those decisions made before the shock, emotional stress and bereavement process occurs. After your companion has passed away decisions have to be made, such as:
- Will I need to use Pet Rest transportation? Or will I transfer my deceased companion to Pet Rest Gardens myself?
- What type of cremation will I choose? Private, or Individual?
- Will I be satisfied with the “complementary urn”? Or would I choose to purchase a much more “personalized” urn from Pet Rest Gardens show room, or urn catalog.
- Perhaps a burial at Pet Rest Gardens cemetery is a more traditional option for my pet.
- Will I go with the country burial? (Green burial) or should I go with the traditional cemetery?
We offer many aftercare cremation options; urns, keepsakes, key chains, clay paw prints, and our beautiful Pet Rest Garden scatter ground. If you prefer burial, whether in our cemetery or at your home, we can accommodate you with body care and a casket of you choice for a much more pleasant last viewing of you pet. Once your decisions have been made, you can either pay for the pre- arrangements monthly or all in one lump sum. The price you agree to pay will never change, even if you prices change throughout time.
The information that we collected about you and your companion will be kept safely in a file. Your veterinarian will be contacted by us and then provided the information that Pet Rest Gardens will be taking care of your aftercare services. Pre-planning is an insurance plan on your mental state of mind, its calming and comforting to know that arrangements are completed. You can focus on the time you have left with your pet and not use that time making decisions about what to do after they are gone.
If you are interested in pre-planning or just would like some more information, please tell us about yourself and the life of your pet in our brief questionnaire and we will quickly respond to your questions, or please call us directly at (810) 659-6114 to speak with Sharon personally to discuss your needs. Please keep in mind your companion doesn’t have to be sick, or old in age to inquire about pre-planning. Anything can happen, just ask yourself, “Am I ready for it?”