Dog Boarding


“A Vacation Resort for Your Pet”

Key-Lore Kanine Kountry Klub is an activities inclusive facility. In our experience when your pet receives lots of activity & interaction, they are happier and healthier. Our large play yards, and shaded dog park provide ample space for your dog to run and play.

For the safety of our customers and pets we require all of our canine companions visiting the facility for any service to be vaccinated for the Canine Influenza Virus (annual). Please consult your veterinarian for the Canine Influenza Vaccine.

Call (810) 659-5951

All dog kennels are not created equal. Your pet will have a happy and safe stay with us in our spacious, custom-sized sleeping areas and attached runs. No cages or cramped quarters. Our unique facility provides for constant monitoring as our residence is directly attached to the kennel building.

We welcome simple blankets and small fleece beds that smell like home. They provide a familiar smell and the security that home is still there, it just has been temporarily relocated to Key-Lore. Special requests for feeding and medications are charted on your pets room tag for added safety and accuracy of administration.

When you board with Key-Lore your pet will never be bored !

Office Hours

Pickups and Dropoffs available
Monday-Friday:8am-Noon & 3pm-5pm
Saturday:10am only
Sunday:4pm only


All returning client reservations require a $50.00 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit. It does come off your bill at the end of your stay, but is lost if you don’t use your reservation. All first time guests must come in to the office to pay for your full boarding stay with cash, check or debit card. This gives you a wonderful opportunity to meet us in person and tour our facility. We do kennel tours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:30am-11:00am and again from 3:00pm-4:00pm by appointment only. We want to make sure that we have staff available to show you around. No space is reserved without the required payments.


Our wonderful staff will be on site as usual to make sure that our guests have everything need to have a packed with fun holiday. However the offices will be closed on these dates.


Make a Reservation

Credit Authorization Form

Camp Activities

We are truly a camp for dogs situated on 12 wooded acres complete with safe, secure fenced play yards and a mile of walking trails. All of our guests partake in and enjoy DOGGIE DAY CARE playtimes and have access to run and play at WOOF WOODS DOG PARK at no extra charge. .

We love puppies of all ages and Special Needs Pets are welcome. For pets with specials needs please feel free to discuss your concerns and we will be happy to customize a program just for them.

For your pets health, all STAFF are certified in Red Cross Pet First Aid. The wonderful veterinarian’s of Riverside Veterinary Hospital are but a short 3-mile trip away. Great Lakes Pet Emergency, a 24 hour emergency, trauma and specialty facility is always available for critical care.

While your puppy is staying with us, add some basic OBEDIENCE skills or fun Agility training with our STAY, PLAY & TRAIN option for just $15.00 per session.

WHAT SHOULD I BRING TO KAMP? Enough food for their stay in baggies or container, treats, a small rug or blanket and a couple of chew toys if your dog likes them. If you are a first time guest an old T-shirt or sweatshirt that you have worn will also give them a sense of security. If your dog uses a slow feeder bowl or an elevated platform bowls you may bring those.

WHAT NOT TO BRING– Sorry but we do not allow large stuffed beds or comforters. . From experience they simply get dirty or possibly shredded and are very hard to clean. Bowls/food dishes (we have lots) Huge bags of food unless you have a long extended stay. **County regulations mandate that all food must be in sealable containers.

Key-Lore Kanine Kustom Klips

“Make Me Beautiful” Pet Spa experience with Kanine Kustom Klips grooming will have your pet looking and feeling their best at the end of their stay. Nail trims, De-shedding, Hot Oil Massage Treatments and Full Scissor Cuts are just some of the many services available with our top notch groomers.

Daily Boarding Rates effective: 7/1/24

Daily Rates include one feeding per day of your custom diet.

Please be sure to bring enough of your dogs food with them for vacations. Food should be in ZipLoc baggies for short stays and a container with a lid for longer stays. County regulations require all food to be in containers.

kitty condos availableKitty Condos$20.00
boarding for birds and pocket petsBirds & Small Pocket Pets$20.00
small dog boarding - Yorkies, Poodles, Schnauzers, Chihuahua Small Dogs (Dogs under 12 lbs.,Yorkies, Toy Poodles, Mini Schnauzers, Shih Tzu, Jack Russell Terriers)$30.00
medium dog boarding - Yorkies, Poodles, Schnauzers, CockersMedium-Large Dogs (Cocker Spaniels, Springer Spaniels, Labs, Golden Retrievers)$30.00
giant dog boarding - Yorkies, Poodles, Schnauzers, CockersGiant Breeds and dogs that need tall doors due to age or arthritis
(Dogs over 100 lbs., Great Danes, Newfoundlands, etc.)
special needs dogsSpecial Needs Pets/Aged Pet Geriatric Care & Messy Pets$35.00 and up

Additional Items

dogleashAM (Morning) Pet Discharge$5.00 Per Pet
dog medicationsMedications/Supplements given$.50 per administration
dog feedingsLunch or evening Feedings (your food)$1.00 each additional
dog injectionsMisc. Injections & Insulin Injections$5.00 per injection

Health Requirements

For Boarding, Doggie Day Care and Woof Woods Dog Park

Canine Requirements

  • Current and up to date vaccinations for DHLP-Parvo, Bordetella (canine cough) , Canine Influenza Virus  (annual) and Rabies (Proof required)
  • Tested Heartworm negative for current calendar year and on monthly preventative.
  • A negative stool check done within 6 months of stay.
  • We strongly recommend a flea preventative such as Frontline Top Spot due to our wooded areas and abundant wildlife.
  • Canine’s visiting our facility are REQUIRED to have a Canine Influenza Vaccine.
  • Failureto provide a current  fecal means your boarding rate will revert to the special needs rate of $45.00 per day regardless of size. Also, your dog will be on walks only, no playgroups. So please get those results to us before your stay. Your dog will thank you!

Feline Requirements

  • Current FVRCP (A 4-way vaccine for Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, and Chlamydia)
  • Current Rabies (Proof required)
  • Currently we do not require a Feline Leukemia vaccine as our cats do not co-mingle. However, we highly recommend it.

Please consult your veterinarian with any questions regarding your pets health or vaccination status.

Records faxed in advance to (810) 659-6113 are greatly appreciated




Make a Reservation